Excelsior - Confidential Messaging App
(case study)

Messaging app features which allow users to hide their confidential messages. Created for Excelsior.

  • Context:
  • You were entrusted with very important information for the company and sent a message with NDA information that you aren't allowed to show.
  • Objective:
  • Come up with a messenger interface where you can hide and then reopen any chats, so that an outsider cannot understand that there may be something hidden there. One of the criteria is that this should be done fairly easily, with one hand.


  • Concept 1:
  • A PIN-Code locked storage chatroom activated with a pre-set password.
  • Concept 2:
  • A Pattern-Code locked storage chatroom setup.


As an important feature built for privacy, it’s important to maintain a high level of exclusivity, and at the same time intuitive and fluid usability. That is a challenge I’m every interested in.

Defining user needs

As the feature will be one of the highlights and likely the selling point for the app, it being used quite regularly is something that needs to be considered in the design process.


Easy access is an important element to factor in with the feature’s functionality. Blending it within a regular-looking text-messaging app, the feature is set to be used with one hand, as well as swiftly without taking much time.


Concept 1:
The user can set-up the PIN code to access a storage chatroom with all the saved NDA documents. This concept requires two-steps, as the PIN input field can be only be accessed after typing a pre-set passcode in the chat’s input field.
Concept 2:
The user can set-up the PIN code to access a storage chatroom with all the saved NDA documents. This concept requires two-steps, as the PIN input field can be only be accessed after typing a pre-set passcode in the chat’s input field.

